How to create a Hugo-based markdown blog
Step 1: The spark ignites
Oooh, look at this cool person’s blog post that was posted on Hacker News… Why don’t I have cool, minimal blog like this?
Step 2: Pick your theme
Spend two hours browsing minimal Hugo themes until you find one that’s simple yet functional.
Step 3: Simplify
Why does this “simple” theme include google analytics, disqus, and javascript auto day/night theme detection?
I should gut it of all the stuff I don’t need…
Step 4: Doubt
Do I really have anything interesting to say, anyway? Is there a point to all this?
Step 5: Persevere
No, you must do this, or you’re not a Real Developer.
Step 6: Publish
“Here’s a neat thing I learned about Rust…”
Step 7: Abandon
Last updated: August 1st 2017
Step 8: Repeat
Goto Step 1